Functional Movement

The longer a problem area goes without being addressed, the more compensation patterns the body will produce. Before long comes chronic pain, prescription drugs, and routine Doctor's appointments. Let the providers at Denver Sports Recovery (DSR) get you back on the path to better overall health and well-being. Even if you aren’t currently in pain, but want to optimize performance in any facet of your life, Denver Sports Recovery can help through functional movement as part of chiropractic care. At Denver Sports Recovery, we take a multi-disciplined approach to all aspects of recovery. See how functional your mobility is by calling to schedule an appointment or booking online today!
Functional Movement Q&A
What is Functional Mobility?
What is creativity without practical application? Fun! Now, what happens when creativity is given practicality? We get innovation! At Denver Sports Recovery, we don’t use the “F” word — (flexibility). We use the term “mobility” because it’s specifically used to describe how well joints move through a range of motion. Once we can establish adequate mobility, we enforce that new motion with stability exercises that open a whole new world of motion. And remember — motion is lotion for your joints!
Do I need to be injured for this service to work?
Absolutely not! Virtually everyone can benefit from having their movement assessed by a professional movement specialist. Even if we don’t have pain, we are all compensating for something. Let one of our skilled clinicians at Denver Sports Recovery give you the key to unlocking your next level of performance.

What do these appointments look like?
Each Denver Sports Recovery client that wants to take their performance to the next level will be put through a battery of movement-based tests. From there, any soft tissue restrictions will be addressed through manual therapy, cupping, scraping, and anything else the clinician thinks is appropriate at that time. Finally, each client will be given a specifically tailored program to complete on their own, at home, or at the gym. The clients who see the most improvement follow up with additional appointments to have their home program adjusted, progressed, and optimized.
Functional Movement
Initial ATC Appointment $105
- Follow Up (45min) $90
- Follow Up (30min) $65